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WordPress error [SOLVED] – Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$plugin in /xxx/wp-includes/class-wp-list-util.php on line 152

I recently got this error on the Add Plugins page of my website and it freaked me out. What was causing it?

Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$plugin in /xxx/wp-includes/class-wp-list-util.php on line 152

Using WP Debug, I found more of the error message was:

WP_Plugin_Install_List_Table->prepare_items, wp_filter_object_list, WP_List_Util->pluck

Here’s how to fix it:

1) Deactivate Plugins

I deactivated all plugins. But for me, the issues was still there.

2) Change Theme

You can change your theme. I changed theme, but the issue remained. Crap!

3) Reinstall WordPress

I re-installed WordPress via Dashboard > Updates and clicking Re-install Now.

This process updates WordPress from source (just like doing any normal WordPress update), and doesn’t affect your custom data or settings. But hey, take a backup before you do this anyway.

4) Clear Transients

I then cleared transients using WP-CLI.

wp transient delete --all

If you don’t have WP-CLI installed, you can use a plugin like or my favourite Litespeed Cache.